Parametric typography design


Simple point editor in vvvv for creating some wobbly characters and other shapes.

Created as a personal exercise, after seeing this video:

i.e. can I rewrite the Processing program into vvvv?

Instructions are inside the patch but basically: left click to add a point; right click to finish the current shape; middle click to clear the playground; flip a switch to change between a drawing and “dancing” mode.

Tested in vvvv_45beta33.3_x64

Inspiration: Tealeaf

Download or


This is a program for Raspberry Pi and the Adafruit 16 channel, 12 bit PWM interface. It enables you to control analog LED lights/stripes using OSC messages.. so it turns your Raspberry Pi into an OSC LED controller. I wrote it for this project.

  • event driven, written in Perl
  • supports two chained PWM interfaces -> 10 independent LED stripes
  • supports two commands: 1) set LED color and 2) set LED color and time interval.. after the interval, the LED goes black
  • can be extended to support more interfaces and more commands (for strobing, etc, see comments at the end of the source code)




  • Download the script and edit it to change the address and port on which it will listen (OSC server)
  • Install required modules, most importantly Device::PWMGenerator::PCA9685. From here or using cpan..
  • Run the script, no parameters needed:

    This will start the OSC server on defined address and port.

  • Send OSC messages to it:
/leds/X R G B
/leds/X/blink R G B I

Where X (from 1 to 10) is channel number – selects the LED stripe and R, G, B are red, green, blue values from the interval 0-4095 (integer) and I is time interval (float)

Flash LC->UDP bridge

The problem is: Flash doesn’t have support for UDP protocol. It does in AIR2.0, but I needed to run Flash application from within Resolume (ie Flash Player). This application had to communicate using OSC (runs on UDP), acting as both OSC client and server (sending and receiving OSC messages).

The workaround is to use a translator, or bridge, built for AIR2.0 that would have no problem with using UDP.. and that would communicate with the target Flash/AS3 program using it’s native LocalConnection (LC).

There is a project that implements such a bridge, but only in one direction: udp-flashlc-bridge, enabling a flash application to be an OSC server. For the other direction (Flash app being an OSC client, ie sending OSC messages) I wrote this LC_UDP bridge. It relies heavily on the excellent TUIO AS3 library.

I used this software for the 8bit syndrome project.

Download, including FlashDevelop project and modified TUIO AS3 library.



ie. how to control Resolume with a TV remote control. Upon pressing a button on a remote control, the program sends pre-defined OSC message to an OSC server.

The program is written in Perl, for Raspberry Pi but can run on any Linux.  It is event driven and can be extended to support different types of remote controls and send any OSC message that your software needs..



  • Get a working infrared sensor for Raspberry Pi. It’s easy and there are many tutorials, for example this. Configure lircd to read your remote control(s) properly.
  • Download the script and change it to match a) your remote controls and button names (as configured in lircd) b) OSC messages you want to send. The OSC messages in the script are written for Resolume, to switch clips and enable/disable effects.
  • Run the script with
./ <server> <port>