Flash LC->UDP bridge

The problem is: Flash doesn’t have support for UDP protocol. It does in AIR2.0, but I needed to run Flash application from within Resolume (ie Flash Player). This application had to communicate using OSC (runs on UDP), acting as both OSC client and server (sending and receiving OSC messages).

The workaround is to use a translator, or bridge, built for AIR2.0 that would have no problem with using UDP.. and that would communicate with the target Flash/AS3 program using it’s native LocalConnection (LC).

There is a project that implements such a bridge, but only in one direction: udp-flashlc-bridge, enabling a flash application to be an OSC server. For the other direction (Flash app being an OSC client, ie sending OSC messages) I wrote this LC_UDP bridge. It relies heavily on the excellent TUIO AS3 library.

I used this software for the 8bit syndrome project.

Download, including FlashDevelop project and modified TUIO AS3 library.